Thursday 9 August 2012

Pull me close, and take one step (:

Things overwhelming ,
Yet having no idea what ought to be done right now,
Somehow feeling helpless and without any guidance,
How much will it hurts for me to fall ,
All the way from what they called , paradise.
Pathetic anyhow.
Well I suppose I should be having real good skill in handling all these ,
Nevertheless when all things come at one shoot,
Yeah, trust me, you go panic and having great possibility to be thrown in confusion, don't even realize if you were actually on the right path with right pace or maybe wandering around like a lost kid finding way back home.

Perhaps just a lil more tension will do,
And. It would be just enough for me to see how severe the consequences could be if I hadn't put enough effort to reach what I'm striving for.
Just a lil more,

Don't go making me giggle,
Cause when I am having loads fun,
I tend to forget what's more important ahead.

May be.




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