Saturday, 25 February 2012

My weakness is that I sleep too much :3

At this particular time of my life,
What I crave the most,
Is nothing but sleep,
Everywhere will do, but my bed is best of the best (':

And what else I couldn't resist,
Is food.
Something to munch will be good,
But it contributes too much for synthesizing lipids and adipose layers, lymphatic vessels will have too much work to do, atherosclerosis might occurs.
Emphh, Gwen you'd better stop munching like a cow which has got four stomaches chewing grasses.
Get it right, you only have one stomach,one ileum,one duodenum.

Kay, TMI.
How I wish I could answer my biology paper as easy as how I did above, haha (: dreaming mehhh eshennn (;

Hate that I always have my blogging mojo back when exam's just round the corner, corner, emmphh, couldnt help relating it to interference. Does it related to interference neeeways ? When the waves hit the corner and it has bigger interference ? No Idea, I think I can die (;

Kay lah aiyoh,
Y I ohwaiz come here during exam period lah.
Slack so much. D:

Kay, I wonder how many 'Kay la' I gotta write to end this post, so reluctant to leave mehhhh,
Nopee, just that I didn't want to go back to study T-T

Superman won't saves me,
Not even batman this time.

Claiming that i'm too pig,
And pushes me to study,
You so rocky road to bits ((:

Please la,
What is addmaths ?
What is biooo ?
Both mah best friends,
Idk I saiid so one.

Wish me luck (;


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