Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Define Depression

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour, feelings and physical well-being. Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, or restless. 


So you think I've got depression ? I don't know . Maybe not , maybe just slide into chaos , thrown in confusion. It's 3.39 pm right now , I don't know what am I doing . So lost , really lost. Can't stop thinking at horrible consequences , can't stop listening songs that once made me broke down , and I can't stop the sky from bursting into tears , it's going to rain . You shouldn't have harmed yourself, don't you understand how much people around you care about you. I can do nothing , nothing , what do you want from me ? You might not expect anything from me , but I am really terrified, I gave up. It's too much for me , I can't make it, I can't handle this. What should I say ? I've tried so many ways to make myself calm , I wrote everything in my diary, I listened songs to forget about everything , I went out and kept myself busy, I slept and tried to escape from reality, I .. tried . But diary didn't give me any advices, songs made me even depressed, when I came back home and I couldn't stop thinking , and I couldn't sleep , I've tried... Mom and dad aren't at home, I need them, I want to talk to them , needn't to wink back tears. Helpless. So what's the point for two best friends avoiding each other , stay away as far as possible ? Does that mean , they are no longer best friends ? All good things must come to an end , mustn't it ? Is this the only way I could make myself feel at least a lil bit better ? 

Dear Diary, 

I wonder how many times I have to shed tears in a day .  (:
I am afraid . Save me . 

Love me . 

Song of the day :  遺憾


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