Monday, 21 December 2009


A-Z Friend List

Name the friend that 1st came to your mind. Alphabetically

A- Aileen Loo
B- Benny Ow
C- Chia Zheng
D- Darelle Ing
E- Enaly Soo
F- Foo Yuka
G- Gan Le Theng
H- Hen Zhi-Qi
I - Isabel chew
J- Jayden Ng
K- Kan Hui Ling
L- Lew Yu Hang
M- Melissa Hong
N- Natalie Lim
O- Ong Shin Yin
P- Pang Ee Wenn
Q- Quak Karmen * Hah ;D sorry *
R- Rachel Te
S- Sarah Ngai
T- Thum Tat Shing
U - Ung Zhi Zin
V - Victor Wong
W- Wong Jo Ern
X - Xin Wei
Y- Yu Sue Mun
Z- Zenn Ang

I tag : whoever wanna do this tag (:


A. You prefer...

1. (Alcohol) or (Mineral Water)

2. (Blue) or (Pink)

3. (Hot Guys) or (Cool Guys)
4. (Good Looks) or (Brains)
5. (Taylor Swift) or (
Taylor Lautner)
6. (
Friends) or (Loved Ones)
7. (
"Baby") or ("Honey")


B. Your/You kind of guy :
1. Alcoholic or (Non-alcoholic)
2. (Good) or Bad
3.(Brave) or (Cute)
4. (Tall) or Short
5. (T-Shirt) or (Suite)
6. (Coat) or (Leather Jacket)
(Sunnies) or (Spectacles)
8. (Caring) or (Rich)
9. Kisses or (Hugs)
10. Romantic?


C. Your/You kind of girl :
1. (Cute) or
2. (Sweet) or (
3. Sports or
"Princess Candle"
4. Surprises?
5. (
Smile) or Frown
Love Quotes or Love Poems
Computer Geek or Study Nerd
8. (SMS) or (
9. (Forever) or
Just For Fun
10. Hangouts with (Friends) or
Couple Date


D.Your Daily Activities :
1. After Breakfast - teevee or computer

2. Before School - waiting
3. During School - Study 40 % , Playing+ Talking craps 60%
4. After School - Rumah-ku
5. Night - Computer 25% , homework 10%, teevee 25%, dinner 15%, bath 15 % , play 10%

6. Midnight - Sleep n Dream

7. Holidays - Anything


E. Tag 10 people:
1. Tart
2. Zhao Zhao
3. Pop Sensational
4. Langu Hang
5. Holes
6. Ant
7. Eshinnn
8. Yiyunnn
9. ChanYuPyn
10. JoErnnn

1. What if 9 confesses that he/she likes you?
I'll find ZiHeng then

2. Will you go out for a couple date with 3 if he/she asks to?
100% wont , so .. whatadumbquestion

3. Is 7 single?

4. Describe 1
Best-tart in the world , sporty guy

5. Will you date 8 ?
probably .. YES . hah (:

6. What is 2's nickname?
Jordan zhao zhao

7. What do you wish to tell 10 right now ?
Are you still at Ipoh ?

8. What is 5 good in?
perasan-ing, football

9. If you were to do one thing to 4, what would it be?
Same question with Wan n yushu : What you want me to do for you? ^^ hehe.....

10. Have you seen 1 cried ?
errr .. not really sure ..

11.Is 2 crazy or geeky?

12. Will you hold 7's hand and walk around?

13. What do you think of 6?
ohhh .. HOT , sampatt , bestie , gossip queen

14. Will you kiss 3 when there is only both of you in the park?
Gawd, wad kind of question is this ? absolutely NO

15. Is 8 sweet?
yeahs , sweetie

16. What is 9's hobby?
errrr .. listening to MJ songs ?

17. Will you date 10 to a high class restaurant?
yeah , but she belanja .

18. Is 5 fitted to be a maid?

19. When it started raining, who will you seek for an umbrella ?

20. Where would you go with 1 on a date ?
his ''special friend's hse '' , and then I'll run away , hah


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